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Ah its soo good


This game took my first time...

At getting 40 points in Fl*ppy B!rds.
I have absolutely no regrets, 40/10.


this is the best visual novel I've ever played. Pipe/10 would lose my sanity for 40 points again.


Never thought I'd play flappy bird in 2023 but I'm glad it was with your game. 10/10 Would ram flappy bird again

Also, 404 or Fruit Ninja route when?

Dang you were an hour late for the newest update. Maybe a new route was added hmm?


"I know it's just because those horse pieces really confuse you."
Absolute. Poetry.

LOL, totally forgot about that line, but I'm so glad someone found it funny because I liked it a lot. Fruit Ninja and Flappy were particularly fun to write for, have to love a hot-headed mess πŸ˜…


Hope there was a skip dialogue button to make replaying more easier! This game is so goofy but so fun xD


This is the only game that actually wants to make me play flappy bird.


I think it doesnt fit the theme well but cool game.


i mean the theme was "roles reversed" so getting to play as the pipe when in the actual game of flappy bird you're just playing as flappy. so i think the dev did a good job matching the theme.

We've heard the theme complaint a bit, and I kind of agree with it. Like you mentioned (and thanks for that btw!) the "role reversal" was how we first got the idea for the game, BUT I think after that point we kind of let ourselves get swept up in the silliness of the game and didn't really look back.
I'm sure we could have done a better job reinforcing the theme, i.e. our gameplay doesn't reinforce it, but I also stand by the decision to just run with the idea since the 48hr window didn't really let us slow down. Fair criticism, but we hope people have fun regardless since that was our #1 goal :D


I love this so much

Thank you so much!!

(1 edit) (+4)

I really spent 2 days on this game to get "Ram into my pipe, Flappy-Kun!!!"(worth it).

But overall, this goes hard.

Top 10 games that lock true-endings behind brutal gameplay πŸ˜”

Thanks so much!! 


i'd rather fight tiger lions and bears in cage ablaze with only the force of my tears then ever play flappy bird again.

...goofy game 10/10 :D


It seems like you would do a lot for Flappy-kun!!! 😳😳😳


As soon as I saw the pipe-gender choice screen, I knew this was going to be great! And it did not disappoint! From the lighthearted music to the great art and humour, this made me cringe several times, but in the absolutely best possible way :).

One thing though, whoever locked those choices behind flappy bird is an evil genius, because why am I wasting hours just to try and meet Fruit Ninja again. (Actually screamed in agony when I accidentally reset my score, and when I saw how many points it took to say the title  T-T).

Overall this was phenomenal, and I think you should resend me a version that just lets me choose things with 3 points and under :) (just kidding).


LMAO that evil genius would be me. MWHAHAHAHA! We actually made the game slightly easier than the original sooooooo yeah thanks for playing this was a wonderful comment to read!


You truly are a devil... great job!


This game is fantastic it does have a small annoyance or a bigger one tho. When you accidentally double click you have to do it again and i just managed 25 jumps at a game i majorly suck at so i was screaming in paaaaiiiin. It would be nice to have an explicit retry button or a high score that resets with every other choice thing.


Yeah sorry about that we were getting crunched for time after a bit but that would of been a great idea. Hope you still enjoyed regardless.


I definitely enjoyed it you did a fantastic job for that short time!


This idea is just so geniuis! I laughed to hard when I saw I had to score points in flappy bird to choose the coolest answers :D Also love the character design, and whole experience you mixed together - seems like you really had fun these 48 hours c:


Locking the funniest possible answers behind your flappy bird score is the most evil genius thing I've experienced in a while... I played the flappy bird of my life so I could say the words "ram into my pipe Flappy-Kun!!!"

LMAO! Thank you haha. It sounds like you had a great time!


I did and oh boy that ending...


this... this is something special


can we sleep now? :O

no :]

(1 edit) (+2)

Games that single-handedly keep alive vol.777  


It's the least we can do o7


Fruit Ninja stans stay winning


This game made my day today! What a creative idea and clean execution. Laughed so much

That’s great to hear! Thank you so much for playing the game.


Legend Dairy




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